Director Biography

B. R. Tatalovic, Serb-American motion picture artist and media educator. Immigrated to the United States from Yugoslavia in 1988 (as 22-year old). In his 20s and 30s worked as: union steelworker (USWA), milling machinist, VHS rental clerk, and home repairs "handy man". Known today as: multimedia artist, screenwriter, and film producer/director/actor.

Director Statement

The PILOT episode (shown here) is an open-ending 30 minute long episode for potential television series titled “The Damned Thing”. It's a reimagined modern adaptation of Ambrose Bierce’s short story “The Damned Thing” (public domain); a mystery-horror-sci-fi hybrid that explores our internal fears of unknown and supernatural. Produced on micro-budget in rural Ohio and starring “micro-budget indie star” Rick Montgomery Jr, this series is my own take on popular short story - written over 100 years ago by Ambrose Bierce - one of the most original classic mystery-horror writers. At this time, only first (pilot) episide exists, awaiting potential financing for further development and production. 

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