
"FINDING MY ROOTS: TALE OF TWO CARRIES" - Dir. by Carrie Bernans and 35 Miles

"BUSHIDO" - Directed by Alex Torres and Jayden Torres

"QUARANTINE BUNCH" - Directed by Jeff MacIntyre

"VooDooSH - SOME HEROES" - Directed by Sergio Mishchenko

"ESCALATION" - Directed by Jake Yun


"IT WAS THEM" - Directed by Randy Sage

"VERIFIED" - Directed by Daryn Davidson

"ANYTHING4U" - Directed by Joshua J Santiago

"IMITATION" - Directed by Joshua Bowen and Liam Gainer


"EVERYDAY HEROES" - Directed by Forrest Tuff

"JAILBAIT" - Directed by Sophie Gonzalez and Dale Metz

"INFATUATION" - Directed by Fredrick Ewelike and Jessica Swope

"THE DAMNED THING" - Directed by B.R.Tatalovic


"ROAD FRIEND" - Directed by Aleksei Borovikov

"HELP HER" - Directed by Serge Rocco

"RESEARCH, RESCUE, RELEASE: Mote's Mission To Save Animals" - Dir. Riley Stamper

"PANDEMIC STORIES" - Directed by Raphaello

"MID-LIFE CONVERSATIONS" - Directed by Maria Filippone


"HOMEWARD CLOWN" - Directed by Allison R. Power

"DAVID ISN'T HERE ANYMORE" - Directed by Josh Ceranic

"DERELICT" - Directed by Mitchell Cole

"ECHO RHYME" - Directed by Caleb Johnson and Jeff Johnson


"WINNING WILDCATS" - Directed by Forrest Tuff

"BLUE" - Directed by Todd Densmore

"SOUND OFF" - Directed by Megan Baer

"SHOWDOWN" - Directed by Holly Schroeder

"POWER STRUGGLE" - Directed by Wyatt Lasche and  Allie Anderson